Jay Ashman


Jay has been a trainer since the late 1990's and has worn many hats in his career. He is a former gym owner, training manager in NYC, strength coach for professional athletes, and now a coach at BodyFit in KC. 

Strength training is his primary focus, but his experience can help any client achieve their goals. 

As a Nutritionist, he believes in the power of healthy eating while not making yourself suffer through low-calorie meal plans for "quick weight loss."

He has played professional rugby and competed in powerlifting, CrossFit, Highland Games, and Men's Physique and is currently a BJJ practitioner at BodyFit's own Vava Jiu-Jitsu.

Jay is from Philadelphia and made his way to KC in 2016.

He is a motorcyclist and writer who owns many leather-bound books. 

He lives in Midtown with his partner, Megan, their Pit Bull, Lily, and two cats, Maddux and Neeko.